4th Grade Supply List
Please have your child come to our Teacher-Student Meet & Greet Night prepared with the following supplies for his/her desk:
Please have your child come to our Teacher-Student Meet & Greet Night prepared with the following supplies for his/her desk:
A 2-inch sturdy 3-ring binder with metal rings
24 Colored pencils (sharpened)
Crayola crayons (48 or less)
8 subject dividers for binder (label them Bible, Science, Spelling, Math, Reading, Handwriting, History, and English
4 Colored Expo dry erase markers (not black)
3 fine point EXPO dry erase markers
2 Pink Pearl erasers
2-Pocket Folders (plastic) without brad fasteners
3-Pocket Folders (not plastic) with brad fasteners (red, blue and green) closed pockets (do not label with student’s name)
Glue-Elmer’s washable school bottle 4oz write your name on it
1 Elmer’s white glue stick (not purple) write your name on it
2 Highlighters
Crayola markers fine tip set of 10 classic colors
1 spiral notebook, wide-ruled 70 pgs each
1 package wide-ruled notebook paper (200 pages each) - Keep at home
24 #2 pencils (sharpened)
Soft-sided zipper pencil pouch -no pencil boxes please
3 red Bic-type pens for correcting (not markers)
Metric/standard ruler 12" length
1 Sketchbook for art (keep for 5th grade–may use the one from 3rd grade)
2 black sharpies fine point marker
1 (72 count) box baby wipes (Not Clorox/Lysol wipes)
2 large boxes Kleenex (at least 184 count)
For SPANISH Class:
2 Elmer's Glue - Washable Stick - Purple - .21 oz
1 Pack Colored Pencils - Crayola - 24 Ct
1 Notebook - 1 Sub - Spiral - Wide - 70 Ct - Mead
3 Pencils - Ticonderoga - Sharpened - No 2
1 Set Index Cards - 3 x 5 - Ruled - White - 100 Ct - Mead
1 Scissors - Fiskar - Kids - 5 Inch - Pointed
1 Tissue - Kleenex - 100 Ct
***Bold items below are not included in the pre-ordered supply kits***
You will be billed $7.00 for your child's Daily Assignment Book via FACTS. The required brand is not available in stores.
(Note that your child may have the following items from 3rd grade at ECS.)
NIrV Adventure Bible ISBN #9780310727422 Available from Walmart. If you have a bible from last year, please be sure it is the above ISBN number.
A field trip shirt will be required for most field trips. $12.00 will be collected through FACTS in September if your child's shirt doesn't fit from last year.
Backpack or closable tote bag