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Fourth Grade News

First Quarter 2024-2025



I am very excited about the new school year! Please look over the quarterly  newsletters  carefully.    It will not only tell you what we will  be studying,  but   will also  include important information you will need to know about upcoming events.


Absence Policy:    Please  check  the student    handbook    to   review  our absence policy.  We will  be adhering to the make-up work policy  as stated in the handbook.  If you are planning an  extended  vacation  during  the school year, please fill out the form in the ECS handbook one to two weeks prior to your trip.  Work for the days you will be absent will be given to you the day before you go and will need to be turned in the day you get back from your vacation.


Assignments: Please read and sign the Fourth Grade Assignment Policy. Each evening, please check your child’s backpack to see if they have any unfinished class work for the day. If they do not have any unfinished work, have them read toward their AR goal and study the Bible verse and Spelling words for the week.  Each Friday, your child will receive the next week’s Weekly Sheet. It will have the Bible verse, Spelling words, tests schedule and other important messages.  Be sure to look for it.  It will also be on my website.


Bible:  Purposeful Design is our ACSI Bible curriculum. The publication strives to produce biblically sound materials that reflect Christian scholarship and stewardship. 4th Grade will focus on the basic doctrine of the Church. Our first lessons will show, “The Bible Is Truth, Inspired, and Endures.”  Bible verse tests are on Fridays along with comprehension questions from the week’s lessons.

Language Arts:  (Reading, English, Spelling)  In addition to our 4th Grade Reading Book, we will also cover our first core literature book, The Island of the Blue Dolphins, by Scott O’Dell.  Please remember that each child should be reading to reach their personal reading goal.  This reading should be part of their work each evening.  We will be covering several research skills such as using a dictionary and understanding parts of a book.  We will study sentence structure and parts of speech.  We will also practice basic reading and writing skills and understand the relationship between both.  Dictation sentences for the spelling test will come home each week with the memory verse.  The AR program will be part of the reading grade.


Math: We will be using the Abeka Math book this year. I am also excited to have the online IXL Math program to supplement our Math curriculum. We are working on place value right now and then we will work on addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts.  Students need to know their multiplication facts 1-12.  We will be reviewing them in class.  Please help them at home if they are a little rusty.  


California History: The social studies curriculum, Oh California, is a comprehensive study of the state of California including geography, history, and the social and economic development of our state.


Science: Science has interwoven curriculum connections with language arts, math, social studies, and technology.  For this month’s focus we will be studying plants and animals.


Handwriting: Included in the Back to School Night packet is a copy of the Zaner-Bloser alphabet for you to keep at home for reference to assist your child if necessary.  Fourth graders will mostly write in cursive this year.


As you  can  see  we  have  much  to cover.     I covet your prayers as we look    forward   to    this    busy   and profitable quarter.  My prayer for you is that your family will quickly adjust to our   fourth  grade  program. May God’s blessing be upon you.


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