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Frequently Asked Questions About 4th Grade

Q.  When is the weekly citizenship report due?

A.   The citizenship report will be given to you on the first day of the school week.  It needs to be signed by a parent and returned the following day.

Q.  How do I know what work I have each evening?

A.  Each day, assignments are written on the board as they are assigned.  At the end of the day, you will write those assignments in your Assignment Book and will place a check by the assignments that you have completed and turned in.   At that time, Ms. Beatty will remind the class which books/papers to take home for any uncompleted classwork.

Q.  Can I turn in my assignments late?

A.   Do your best to get your assignments completed and turned in on time.  If you do not get an assignment in on time you will have your name written on Ms. Beatty's clip board and it will be added to your citizenship report.  Yes, you may turn it in late, but 15% will be taken off your score.

Q.  Why do I need to file all my papers in my binder?

A.  You need to file ALL your papers in your binder for several reasons.  Sometimes we refer back to them during a lesson to help with another lesson.  You will need to use them to prepare for quizzes and tests.  They also give you and your parents a good idea on how you are doing in a particular subject.  Once grades for the quarter are finalized, you may clean out your binder for the next quarter.

Q.  How does the AR program work this year?

We will be using the Accelerated Reading program again this year. Students will take the STAR Reading test to determine their personal reading range and goals.  They need to choose books in their level, read them, and take the tests to meet their personal goal. Each quarter students will be rewarded when they reach their personal reading goal. Students who meet their individualized goals all four quarters of the year will be able to attend the end of the year party.


The Accelerated Reading Program will be part of the reading grade each quarter.  The AR goal %, their AR comprehension % and monthly book report scores will make up 20% of their reading grade.  Please have your child read each evening towards their goal and encourage them to take AR tests.  They will be able to take tests in the library before school, at lunch, and after school.  We also have computers in the classroom to take tests. 

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